As Wendy told you on the Dev list, Maven2 does not use files named
build.xml but rather files named pom.xml.

Thus, it seems like you do not have a Maven project at all, but rather
some Ant build script (I guess?). Where did this build.xml file come
from -- you should probably ask that person how you should run it.


On 5/16/08, sudheshna iyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have downloaded apache-maven-2.0.9-bin.tar.gz and
> extracted to dir: C:\apache-maven-2.0.9
> I have added C:\apache-maven-2.0.9 to the path. When I
> run "mvn --version" at cmd prompt, I got the
> following results:
> C:\Work\GettingStartedWithHibernate3>mvn --version
> Maven version: 2.0.9
> Java version: 1.5.0_05
> OS name: "windows xp" version: "5.1" arch: "x86"
> Family: "windows"
> I have a build file with the following lines:
>  <artifact:dependencies
> pathId="dependency.classpath">
>    <dependency groupId="hsqldb" artifactId="hsqldb"
> version=""/>
>    <dependency groupId="org.hibernate"
> artifactId="hibernate"
>                version="">
>      <exclusion groupId="javax.transaction"
> artifactId="jta"/>
>    </dependency>
>    <dependency groupId="org.hibernate"
> artifactId="hibernate-tools"
>                version="3.2.0.beta9a"/>
>    <dependency groupId="org.apache.geronimo.specs"
>                artifactId="geronimo-jta_1.1_spec"
> version="1.1"/>
>    <dependency groupId="log4j" artifactId="log4j"
> version="1.2.14"/>
>  </artifact:dependencies>
> But when I run the above build.xml, I receive the
> following error:
> Buildfile: build.xml
> file:C:/Work/GettingStartedWithHibernate3/build.xml:11:
> Unexpected element "artifact:dependencies"
> What am I missing?
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