Hi all,

I would like to activate profile which is placed in super pom for using it in child project.
The reason:
I would like to use common properties but depends on profile in many child projects.

Sample situation:
- super pom:
<project ...>

- project pom
<project ...>

Command run on super pom level:
mvn process-resources -P mainDevProperties,env-dev

Error loading property file '...\${filterFilePath}'

Command run on super pom level:
mvn help:active-profiles -P mainDevProperties,env-dev

Active Profiles for Project 'myGroupId:superLevel:pom:...':
The following profiles are active:
- mainDevProperties (source: pom)

Active Profiles for Project 'myGroupId:project1:war:...':
The following profiles are active:
- env-dev (source: pom)

How to activate profile "mainDevProperties" for project "project1".
Please help me with this issue.


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