If you use Sysdeo's Eclipse Tomcat Launcher plugin (
http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin.html) and its devloader, you can
point to src/main/webapp for context, pick up the class files from
target/classes and the libraries from your local m2 repo directories. It's
both faster and more reliable than Eclipse WTP's built-in container support.
There's also http://merve.sourceforge.net/, which offers less options than
Sysdeo's but is more automatic. Similarly for Jetty you can use
run-jetty-run (http://code.google.com/p/run-jetty-run/). I never create a
war while developing a webapp and I even try to avoid container restarts
(several solutions exist for hot-code swapping depending on your web
framework and platform).


On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Devai Istvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Sirs,
> Currently I'm developing a webapp in eclipse running on a tomcat instance.
> When I edit a .html or a .java file in eclipse, the modification can be
> immediately observed (because Automatic building is turned on in Eclipse and
> I'm using a context file that specifies the docbase of the context as the
> ouput directory of Eclipse).
> Now, I'd like to convert the project to use maven and preserve the above
> way of development. How to do this?
> The problem is that if I place stuff into the /src/main/webapp directory,
> it does not get copied to /target/classes, which means I cannot use
> target/classes as the docbase of the context.
> Since my pom specifies war as a packaging mode, /target/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT
> contains the exploded WAR contents. If I specify this directory as a docbase
> for the tomcat context, everything works as intended, the only problem is
> that if I edit something in eclipse, the changes will be only visible after
> doing a mvn package..
> Anyone has a solution for this?
> What about Jetty, is there a solution for that too?
> Best regards,
> Istvan
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