To whom it may concerned,

I want to master Maven and the relevant technologies and am going through
the Maven-Definitive-Guide.pdf. But when I reach the chapters after 9, I
cannot create the project anymore.

For example, I cannot use "mvn archetype:generate
-DgroupId=org.sonatype.mavenbook.ch10 -DartifactId=lifecycle
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-lifecycle" to create the lifecycle
project under my Ubuntu environment. I browse to "";, but
there is only pom.xml (no src) there and this is similar for some of the
other chapters after 9. This is the reason why projects cannot be created.

>From site, I know you're Maven expert, so it will be much
appreciated if you can help me for my confusion for this
Maven-Definitive-Guide, otherwise can you help to direct me to the right
person who can help with this?

Thanks for your help and Happy New Year!

Kind regards,
Qiubo Su

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