Mike thanks for the quick reply...

Here's the deal

I have a treeMenu2 and when a node is clicked I call a method of a
backing bean. (this commandLink is not inside a form, because I only
send a parameter from it)

On the right part of the jsp I define a dataTable in a form and an
inputText with an h:commandLink. When this link is pressed I call
another method of the same backingBean.

This is the code :

This is the one in the tree2

<h:commandLink immediate="true"
  <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="nodeFolder"/>
  <h:outputText value=" (#{node.childCount})" styleClass="childCount"
rendered="#{!empty node.children}"/>
  <f:param name="activeFolder" value="#{node.description}"/>

this one is inside the form:

<h:commandLink styleClass="aSearch"
        <h:outputText value="Find Now" />

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 4:08 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Submit and h:commandLink question

No, having multiple command links or command buttons calling different
backing bean methods inside the same form is standard practice.

Maybe your backing bean is request-scoped?   Maybe you've set an
inconsistent renderer condition on your command link?

Post the JSF commandLink page code instead of the raw html source, and
we might be able to comment further.

On 12/16/05, Matias Gomez Carabias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys, I have the following question, is it possible to call several
> h:commandLink component inside the same h:form?
> I'm asking this because nothing is done when the button (or link in
> case) is pressed.
> I have several h:commandLink components and they all call different
> methods of the same backing bean.
> Is there any restriction when doing this?
> The link is rendered like this:
> <a href="#"
> ts:_id23'].onsubmit())
> ts:_id23'].submit();}return false;" id="Documents:_id23:_id29"
> class="aSearch">Find Now</a>
> And nothing is done when pressed.
> Thanks a lot
> Matias Gomez Carabias

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