Hi All,

I beleive I have discovered a serious bug in the inputCalendar component. This is the situation:

I have a form backing bean with a Joda datetime object in it. The value expression is #{formBackingBean.dateTime}. I create a htmloutput text and set it's value and I set the converter. I use this code: <f:outputText value='#{formBackingBean.dateTime}" converter="DateConverter" />

This works perfectly. When I debug the DateConverter the value of the input text is the date time object from the form backing bean. I then format the date time object and I see the date in the output text box on the screen. By the way the DateConverter is a custom converter that converts joda DateTime objects into a String and vice versa.

Now I create a tomahawk inputCalendar and set the value and the converter in the same way like this: <t:inputCalendar value='#{formBackingBean.dateTime}" converter="DateConverter" />

When I debug the date converter, the moethod getAsString indicates that the value of the input calendar is null. I beleive there is a bug in the input calendar object since the joda date time object from the form backing bean is not loaded in the input calendar. I use the same value expression as the output text and that component works perfectly so it isn't some typo.

Any help would be great,
Martyn Hiemstra

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