I tried to get the UIData.getFirst() for the first index. this is ok, but 
there is no chance to get the right index of the collection if the data is 
sorted again.
Is there any action event on clicking the row subject for sorting?

Klaus SCHUSTER <schus...@racon-linz.at> 
22.01.2010 07:27
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"MyFaces Discussion" <users@myfaces.apache.org>


Customizing scroller by using t:dataTable with t:dataScroller


I'm using a t:dataTable attached to a t:dataScroller. Currently, the 
t:dataScroller shows the navigation buttons and a list of page numbers
(e.g.: first, previous 1 2 3 etc).
I am using a collection in my t:dataTable by the attribute value=...
The Scroller shows me only 10 items of the full Collection.
My question is: How can I have access to the 10 shown items ? I only have 
my whole list in the backing bean.

The second question is, what happens if I sort the elements, can I get the 

shown items also in a sorted way?


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