Have a look at PanelPopup.js

There is no great API, but it seems that the TrPanelPopup has a hide
method with an event argument that is not used, so it seems to be safe
to pass null. Now to get an instance to the popup object, it looks
like you need to use TrPanelPopup._VISIBLE_POPUPS with the content ID
as the key. It is not pretty, but it should work.

File an JIRA to add an API for this. The problem is that you may need
to submit a patch yourself, the author of the component has not been
active at MyFaces in a very long time.


On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Eisenträger, Tobias
<tobias.eisentrae...@arag.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using the tr:panelPopup Component and it worked great so far. Now I 
> got the problem if I click on a tr:commandLink inside the popup, which only 
> performs PPR - the panelPopup stays open, for example after returning from a 
> dialog.
> Does anyone know the javascript to close the tr:panelPopup component?
> Toby

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