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thanks for the excellent job. The exception is gone.

Should I help you to follow the community process? So should I file
the JIRA bug for it?

Kind regards,


Am 19.07.2010 07:04, schrieb Gerhard Petracek:
> i've uploaded the current snapshot to [1]. please try this new
> version.
> regards, gerhard
> [1] http://people.apache.org/~gpetracek/myfaces/extval/snapshots/
> http://www.irian.at
> Your JSF powerhouse - JSF Consulting, Development and Courses in
> English and German
> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
> 2010/7/19 Gerhard Petracek <gerhard.petra...@gmail.com>
>> short addition:
>> with ExtVal 2 f:validateBean is ~supported. It's more a feature
>> which is prepared for the next version of ExtVal. I know what's
>> the issue here. Please file a jira issue (new feature) for the
>> support of f:validateBean.
>> regards, gerhard
>> http://www.irian.at
>> Your JSF powerhouse - JSF Consulting, Development and Courses in
>> English and German
>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>> 2010/7/19 Gerhard Petracek <gerhard.petra...@gmail.com>
>> hi simon,
>>> by default extval doesn't use tags. so f:validateBean isn't
>>> supported. the typesafe alternative for using group
>>> validation,... is @BeanValidation.
>>> if you really need a tag, it's quite simple to impl. it. [1]
>>> illustrates an implementation which provides all features of
>>> @BeanValidation via a tag.
>>> regards, gerhard
>>> [1]
>>> Your JSF powerhouse - JSF Consulting, Development and Courses
>>> in English and German
>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>> 2010/7/19 Simon Zambrovski <szambrov...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> I observe a strange exception by that appears inside of the
>>>> BeanValidatorWrapper in a very specific scenario. Here is how
>>>> it goes:
>>>> I use PrimeFaces 2.0.2 running on Mojarra JSF and using
>>>> ExtVal for Bean Validation (especially to support @Valid). It
>>>> works perfect, except for one case. If I open a popup
>>>> (p:dialog) and use a link (p:commandButton) which submits a
>>>> form which contains a f:validateBean tag setting a Bean
>>>> Validation group - an exception is thrown during an attempt
>>>> to access an non-existent default constructor in
>>>> BeanValidatorWrapper. If I remove the f:validateBean tag,
>>>> everything works fine, and if I use it not from the popup
>>>> too. Here is the VDL:
>>>> <p:dialog widgetVar="PopupDialog" fixedCenter="true"
>>>> header="Customer Search" modal="true" close="false"> <h:form
>>>> id="PopupDialogForm" prependId="false"> <h:messages
>>>> globalOnly="true" errorClass="error" fatalClass="fatal"
>>>> infoClass="info" warnClass="warn" /> <p:panel
>>>> header="Customer Search"> <h:panelGrid columns="1">
>>>> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputLabel for="name"
>>>> value="Name:" /> <h:inputText id="name"
>>>> value="#{searchController.search.name}"
>>>> label="#{msgs.label}"> <f:validateBean
>>>> validationGroups="de.techjava.web.popup.validation.SearchGroup"
>>>> /> </h:inputText> </h:panelGrid> <h:message for="name"
>>>> id="name_msg" /> <p:commandButton value="Search"
>>>> action="#{searchController.doSearch}" onsuccess="if (args) {
>>>> var isValid = args.isValid; if (isValid) {
>>>> PopupDialog.hide();}}" update="@form" process="@form" />
>>>> </h:panelGrid> </p:panel> <p:panel header="Customer Search
>>>> Result"> <p:dataTable id="items"
>>>> value="#{searchController.result}" var="item"> <p:column>
>>>> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Name" />
>>>> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /> </p:column>
>>>> </p:dataTable> </p:panel> <p:commandButton value="Close"
>>>> action="#{searchController.doCancel}"
>>>> onsuccess="PopupDialog.hide()" update="@none" process="@this"
>>>> /> </h:form> </p:dialog>
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Simon

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