Hi Emi,
Response inline:

Il giorno mer, 10/01/2018 alle 13.51 -0500, Emilian Bold ha scritto:
> Maybe I missed it but are you using Oracle NetBeans, Apache NetBeans or 
> Debian NetBeans (because Debian also builds their own).

I'm using Oracle NetBeans v.8.2, the one downloaded from

$ head netbeans-8.2-php-linux-x64.sh 
# Copyright 1997-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

> Some profiling data or a heap dump might help debug this (note that the heap 
> dump will contain private data).

Thanks for the hint, if my searching for a corrupted JS file (see next
point) fail I will try this sort of debug

> There may be some situation where a large obfuscated JS file is loaded which 
> perhaps is causing this, but it might also be something else entirely.

A large obfuscated JS file ss my primary supposition, I'm searching for
it. I was thinking starting a new project with just a subset of the
files, in order to identify it with a sort of empiric dichotomic search.

> Could you try reproducing this on a fresh install / fresh user dir in order 
> to pin-point the possible cause?

On a fresh user I have the same problem, a fresh install is a little bit
more tricky, maybe I can have a check on another machine, but right now
I don't have another linux box. 


Gabriele Brosulo
Web Solutions Dept.
Email: gabriele.bros...@zirak.it
Phone: 0174/554307 int. 206
Zirak s.r.l.


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