


maybe the missing peace is that you can extend DataObject and you add an object 
to its 
lookup which provides support for your specific data.

public class ABCDataObject extends MultiDataObject {

    public ABCObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws 
IOException {
        super(pf, loader);
        CookieSet cookieSet = getCookieSet();
        ABCSpecificFunctionality impl = new ABCSpecificFunctionality();
        cookieSet.assign(iABCSpecificFunctionality.class, impl);
        registerEditor("yourmimetype", true);

Maybe this CookieSet stuff is the old style. Better use the new Lookup classes

Hope this helps a bit.

best regards

> Hello - and apologies for what is probably a dumb question.
> I am trying to create a Netbeans plugin that allows editing of a binary
> file type (with is basically a two dimensional array) via a Visual Editor
> containing a JTable.
> I have a model class that extends AbstractTableModel, and I have followed
> the New File tutorial but I am unsure of where to parse the binary file,
> and of which class the model class be a property of?
> Q. Should the model be a property of DataObject or of the VisualElement?
> Q. When to parse the binary file?  When DataObject is created, or in one of
> the methods of VisualElement e.g. ComponentOpened ?
> Can anybody recommend some similar plugin(s) I could look it to try and
> help me fit these last pieces together?
> Many thanks!

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