On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:06 AM, David Cogen <co...@ll.mit.edu> wrote:

> "Lack of contrast"? Let's start with the editor window: light gray text on
> dark gray background? That's low contrast, and very hard to read. My
> feeling is, at least one of foreground color or background color should
> almost always be full white or full black.

Highest contrast does not always translate to highest legibility.  When
lettering is small (as it tends to be in many developers' editor), a white
font on a black background leads to lesser legibility due to overpowering
background color.  Out of curiosity, what point size do you use?  I use
Monaco, 12pt.  Yellow/amber works better with smaller fonts, imho, and
white works better with larger fonts.  In the old days, my eyes were very
happy when I got to move from a green-on-black CRT to an amber-on-black one.

> Regarding your purposefully making comments less contrasty because you
> find them "distracting",  Shame on you!

I didn't say I made them illegible - just less contrasty :-)
With 35+ years in front of monitors 8hrs/day, I'm not blind yet, so I feel
I must be doing something right :-)



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