The g18 standard is at least a 4.5:1 ratio for accessibility.

I’m pretty poor of sight so i use 19pt, but softer is better to avoid eye burn 

It’s funny, in netbeans I’ve been using the standard theme only because java 
looks great in drakula but some other langs need work. In intellij i’ve been 
using the dark theme.

> On 20 Jan 2018, at 02:44, Thomas Wolf <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:06 AM, David Cogen <> wrote:
>> "Lack of contrast"? Let's start with the editor window: light gray text on 
>> dark gray background? That's low contrast, and very hard to read. My feeling 
>> is, at least one of foreground color or background color should almost 
>> always be full white or full black.
> Highest contrast does not always translate to highest legibility.  When 
> lettering is small (as it tends to be in many developers' editor), a white 
> font on a black background leads to lesser legibility due to overpowering 
> background color.  Out of curiosity, what point size do you use?  I use 
> Monaco, 12pt.  Yellow/amber works better with smaller fonts, imho, and white 
> works better with larger fonts.  In the old days, my eyes were very happy 
> when I got to move from a green-on-black CRT to an amber-on-black one.
>> Regarding your purposefully making comments less contrasty because you find 
>> them "distracting",  Shame on you!
> I didn't say I made them illegible - just less contrasty :-)
> With 35+ years in front of monitors 8hrs/day, I'm not blind yet, so I feel I 
> must be doing something right :-)
> Cheers,
> Tom
> -- 

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