Our group creates a lot of branches - one for each bug we fix.  For a given
bug we start off creating a local branch.  When it's fixed, I push the
branch to our server so testing can verify it.  At that point, NB offers to
track the branch.  When testing accepts the change, I typically merge it
into the main branch and that defect branch is no longer used.

What is the best way (and order) to delete these temporary but tracked
branches (they're cluttering up branch selection dialogs)?  On the server
first or in the local repository?  I'm fairly new to Git so, perhaps the
question might be independent of NB, but I want to make sure I don't put NB
in a strange state if I delete in the wrong order.

I imagine I would do the deletions from the "Git Repository Browser"?

Thanks for all info,


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