Lister Jonathan schrieb am 08.01.2019 um 13:36:
> Out-of-the box configuration is extremely slow and un-usable on first launch 
> whilst the 'Background scanning of projects' was running .. 
> Settings and open project list imported from NB 8.2 - which works like a 
> charm ;-)
> Very High CPU usage for > 1 hour, CPU cooling fan on constantly.
> See enclosed screenshot.
> I updated netbeans.conf to include '-J-Xms1g'  for a second startup, did not 
> seem to make any difference.
> Adding '-J-Xmx16g' apparently improved things dramatically - the third 
> startup shows no errors.
> Removing '-J-Xmx16g' apparently makes things worse again .. back to a long 
> running Background scanning of projects, and some Low memory errors are now 
> kicking in ..
> Restoring '-J-Xmx16g' apparently fixes the issue, project opening and 
> background scanning completed 50 seconds after launch.
> Hardware is a recent Lenovo laptop with 32Gb  RAM and i7-7820HQ CPU
> OS is up to date 64 bit Windows 10 Enterprise.
> Copy Paste from NB About:
> Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 (Build 
> incubator-netbeans-release-380-on-20181217) 
> Java: 9.0.1; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 9.0.1+11 
> Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 9.0.1+11 
> System: Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_US (nb) 
> User directory: C:\Users\pjl\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\10.0 
> Cache directory: C:\Users\pjl\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\10.0 

I know this doesn't help, but I am running with -J-Xmx2048m on a 16GB Lenovo 
Laptop with 16G and a Core i7-7500 without problems. 
Even with a project group with approx. 25 (large) open project, startup usually 
finishes in about 10 seconds. 
The "Opening Projects" plus Background scanning then takes about 40-60 seconds. 
I am using OpenJDK 11 though

How many projects does your project list contain? 


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