While investigating the problem, I noticed this NB behavior, that I think is itself a bug, and, maybe, it's the same bug causing the problem I'm facing.

I think NB has a bug at DGBP protocol level, and the "Waiting For Connection (xdebug)" does not reflect the real state of the PHP Debugger.

Consider these steps:

1) I deliberately set a wrong xdebug port into the PHP Debug settings (say 4444 for example)

2) I debug a PHP project, NB starts waiting for the incoming xdebug connection

3) I check the socket is actually listening with the following command in a linux terminal:
   # netstat -nltp | grep 4444

And I get:

tcp  0  0*  LISTEN  24646/java

so it's actually listening.

4) I stop the "Waiting For Connection (xdebug)" spinner in NB and click Yes in the "Cancel Running Task" confirm dialog. NB shows me the information dialog telling how I'm supposed to configure xdebug. I close it.

5) I check the socket is not listening anymore:
   # netstat -nltp | grep 4444

and it doesn't return anything, so it's not listening.

6) I repeat steps 2-5 as many times as I want, and I always get the same results. Now I configure NB with the correct DGBP port (9999 in my case).

7) I start debugging the same PHP project again (I've not tried with a different one).

8) I check the socket is actually listening:
   # netstat -nltp | grep 9999

and it is:

tcp  0  0*  LISTEN  24646/java

9) I open a new browser tab, pointing to the PHP project URL on localhost, but debugging does not work in my case, so the browser tab keeps spinning

10) same as step 4 (I stop the NB waiting spinner), because debugging does not work in my case, even if I configured the correct port

11) I check the socket is not listening anymore

12) I repeat steps 7 and 8 and I expect to see the socket listening again, but I actually get nothing from "netstat ... | grep ..." in step 8, so I assume the first time NB was listening to the correct port, it did actually receive something, but it failed to parse it and that led NB into a inconsistent state that prevents it from listening again on the same port.

Do you agree? Or am I overlooking something? Should I file a bug report?

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