Hi all,

I have put the code with an example "Installer extends ModuleInstall" here:


I hope it is useful.



On 23/12/2018 08:44, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
Hi Mark,

Would be great if you’d blog or document somehow how you did this, could be useful for many others.


On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 at 14:57, Mark Phipps <mark.phi...@sucfin.com <mailto:mark.phi...@sucfin.com>> wrote:

    Thanks Emilian, I was able to use that class as the outline of an
    auto-updater-and-restarter mechanism in my client.

    I am not really sure what is going on inside all of the
    InstallSupport, OperationContainer and UpdateElement stuff, but I
    now have effectively the same behaviour as the Java Web Start
    application which my Platform client is ultimately replacing.



    On 12/12/18 19:40, Emilian Bold wrote:
    That UpdateHandler seems to be the right thing.

    Making a rolling release Platform app sounds the kind of use case
    we should support out of the box (maybe even for the IDE?)

    I haven't looked much into this (other that using that class you
    found) but there are some odd corner cases too study: I remember
    I had an app kinda looping after I killed it right before it
    wanted to restart for the auto-update. Worked rather flawlessly
    other than that though, so don't worry too much about it.


    http://coolbeans.xyz/ - CoolBeans: An IDE for Java, JavaEE, PHP
    and more!

    On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 7:26 PM Mark Phipps
    <mark.phi...@sucfin.com <mailto:mark.phi...@sucfin.com>> wrote:

        Hi all,

        I am keen to follow the way of "pushing" updates to my NB
        platform app, that Geertjan and Jiri Rechtacek described a
        few years ago, in their blog posts and which is referred to
        in several other places.



        However Jiri's blogpost with details of his plugin and
        technique seems to have disappeared. Can anyone point me to
        where I can find that plugin or details/example code to make
        this happen?

        Searching for Jiri himself, I came across the WakaTime
        netbeans plugin - is this the same/similar thing?

        Any help is much appreciated



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