Most likely the missing keymaps are also related to you simply not having
the Java and Java EE supported enabled -- do that in the New Project dialog.

I do think we need to look at your use case, i.e., you're someone who isn't
using the New Project dialog at all, and that makes perfect sense in your
case, however it does mean that you're not being given the opportunity
(other than the obscure message about JavaFX) to enable the features you


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:54 PM Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> And, please, in all these things, do not go to the Plugin Manager, do not
> either activate or enable anything there.
> Thanks,
> Gj
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:53 PM Geertjan Wielenga <
>> wrote:
>> So, it sounds like you're simply opening NetBeans and then opening your
>> project.
>> Instead of that, would be better if you'd first enable Java and Java EE,
>> in the New Project dialog, create a Java project and then a Java EE project
>> and everything will be enabled and you shouldn't encounter this problem.
>> Can you first try the above -- with a fresh userdir, i.e., from scratch,
>> with nothing enabled or otherwise -- and then respond after that?
>> Thanks,
>> Gj
>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:35 PM Philip Durbin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Sure, it's easy to reproduce both the javafx error and the "dataverse
>>> (broken)" experience, unfortunately. I just reproduced it on a second and
>>> third computer here at home. That makes two Macs and one Ubuntu computer.
>>> Here are the steps:
>>> 1. Unzip and launch Netbeans.
>>> 2. git clone (I'm on ac6a1fd)
>>> 3. Open dataverse as a project
>>> 4. Observe that Netbeans says "dataverse (broken)"
>>> 5. Right click "dataverse (broken)" and click "Resolve Problems..."
>>> 6. Observe the error "Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some
>>> module(s) are missing: org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)"
>>> I'm attaching screenshots from the second Mac and the Ubuntu computer
>>> and I'm putting details about their versions of Java below.
>>> I am *not* saying I want to install the "Java Web and Java EE" support.
>>> Please re-read my original message. There is a difference between
>>> installation and activation. I'm saying that as an experienced Netbeans
>>> users, I'm aware that Netbeans has plugins and so I know to start poking
>>> around in this area. Some of our summer interns are late high school or
>>> early college students and have never touched Netbeans before. It is for
>>> this reason that in that pull request for our dev guide (now merged) that I
>>> explain to go into "Plugins" and to observe that "Java Web and EE" is
>>> already installed but must be activated. On my second Mac no plugins are
>>> activated. When I check the box next to "Java Web and EE" the "Activate"
>>> button becomes available. I haven't clicked "Activate" yet but I'll include
>>> a screenshot. I'm trying to say that seeing "dataverse (broken)" for a Java
>>> EE project is a poor user experience (I don't love the word "broken" in
>>> this context) and that it's non-obvious to new Netbeans users that one must
>>> activate plugins to make the project non-broken. I compensated for this in
>>> our dev guide, explaining how to make our project non-broken from the
>>> Netbeans perspective.
>>> Emma, thanks for your note about Java 8 vs. 11. Below I'm listing the
>>> Java versions I'm running on the three computers I've tried.
>>> I'm glad to hear that docs are coming. Docs are extremely important.
>>> One more bit of feedback is that yesterday from my Mac at work (Mac 1,
>>> below), a number of Keymap shortcuts were missing. The entire
>>> "CommonTestRunner" category was absent, for example. Quitting Netbeans and
>>> restarting it fixed this. Very strange. I did not observe this bug on
>>> either computer at home. Very strange. I reported this yesterday in
>>> #netbeans on freenode, which I understand is piped into your Slack. You can
>>> read what I wrote at
>>> I hope the feedback I'm giving is appreciated. I've spent a lot of time
>>> on this. To be clear, I voted "ship it!" for Netbeans 11 because I can work
>>> around these issue and guide contributors to our Java EE project to work
>>> around them as well. Again, I'm thrilled that I'm not stuck on Netbeans 8.2
>>> anymore. THANK YOU!
>>> Phil
>>> Mac 1 (work)
>>> OS X 10.14.3
>>> AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.0_192-b12
>>> (I can't run `java -version` from home)
>>> Mac 2 (home)
>>> OS X 10.14.3
>>> openjdk version "11" 2018-09-25
>>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11+28)
>>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11+28, mixed mode)
>>> Linux 1 (home)
>>> Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
>>> openjdk version "1.8.0_191"
>>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
>>> 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.18.04.1-b12)
>>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 4:07 AM Geertjan Wielenga <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Can you provide step by step instructions from scratch so that we can
>>>> reproduce seeing this error:
>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are missing:
>>>> org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Gj
>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 7:00 AM Geertjan Wielenga <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I don’t understand why you want to install the ‘Java Web and Java EE’
>>>>> support in Apache NetBeans 11. Please don’t do that. That support is
>>>>> automatically built into Apache NetBeans 11 for the first time.
>>>>> Yes, no docs yet specific to this release. Once they’re there would
>>>>> indeed be great for you to provide feedback on them.
>>>>> Gj
>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 21:50, Emma Atkinson <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>> I think the error dialog saying
>>>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are missing:
>>>>>> org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>>>> might be caused by running on JDK8.
>>>>>> When I used the option  *--jdkhome <path>* to specify jdk-11 (*please
>>>>>> check the release notes for the right one*) the error did not
>>>>>> appear.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Emma
>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 15:19, Philip Durbin <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi! I just filled out the survey (late, please give us more notice
>>>>>>> next time) and I have a little feedback that I'd like to share here for 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> couple reasons:
>>>>>>> - From my perspective, the survey goes into a black hole. If there
>>>>>>> is any transparency about what responses have been recorded so far, I 
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>> know where to find them. If they're available, I'm interested in them.
>>>>>>> - The survey didn't allow me to enter any comments. It's all
>>>>>>> multiple choice. I have more I would have said in the survey. But maybe
>>>>>>> that's what mailing lists are for. :)
>>>>>>> So here we go.
>>>>>>> I've been feeling "stuck" on Oracle NetBeans 8.2 for a long time
>>>>>>> because of the lack of Java EE support in Apache NetBeans. The guy at 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> desk to me got our Java EE project (Dataverse) working in NetBeans 9 
>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>> didn't have such a good time with NetBeans 10.
>>>>>>> I'm thrilled to say that this morning I got NetBeans 11 working with
>>>>>>> our Java EE project. I'm no longer stuck on 8.2. THANK YOU!
>>>>>>> However, not all is well. Being open source, we try to onboard as
>>>>>>> many new contributors as possible to our project and if you follow our 
>>>>>>> dev
>>>>>>> guide as it appears now (4.11 for my reference), your first experience 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> NetBeans 11 and our project is that it says "(broken)" next to the 
>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>> name in the Projects tab. (Screenshot attached.) If you right-click the
>>>>>>> project and click "Resolve Problems", this is the error you see:
>>>>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are missing:
>>>>>>> org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>>>>> We don't use JavaFX in our project so it's a very strange error.
>>>>>>> Next I clicked "Help" and then "Online Docs and Support". These show
>>>>>>> docs for NetBeans 10 with no mention that I could find of what Java EE
>>>>>>> developers are suppose to do. If there are new docs for NetBeans 11 that
>>>>>>> you'd like us to look at before you release, please let us know.
>>>>>>> From previous attempts to get our project running on anything newer
>>>>>>> than NetBeans 8.2 I knew that I should check out which plugins are
>>>>>>> installed and enabled. I don't expect our contributors to know this so I
>>>>>>> just made a pull request to improve our dev guide to explain how to go 
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> "broken" to a Java EE project.
>>>>>>> After activating "Java Web and EE", there is no green checkmark in
>>>>>>> the Active column. Some new menu items appear but "clean and build" 
>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>> isn't available. I restarted NetBeans and explain this step in my pull
>>>>>>> request:
>>>>>>> In case it helps, I'm on Mac OS X 10.14.3.
>>>>>>> In my pull request I didn't document how to launch NetBeans but
>>>>>>> maybe I should since a lot of our contributors are new developers,
>>>>>>> sometimes college students, who may not be very familiar with the 
>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>> line. I doubt anyone here needs this (and you probably have better ways)
>>>>>>> but I'll include my little script below since it's on my mind:
>>>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>>>> VERSION='11.0-vc4'
>>>>>>> BIN="$HOME/java/netbeans/$VERSION/netbeans/bin/netbeans"
>>>>>>> echo "Launching Netbeans from $BIN"
>>>>>>> $BIN &
>>>>>>> I guess the other thing I'll mention is that my pull request also
>>>>>>> includes the workaround to get the Netbeans Connector Chrome Extension
>>>>>>> working.
>>>>>>> Finally, I've already given a little feedback on the survey itself,
>>>>>>> about how I was confused that you don't let your participants type 
>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>> (multiple choice only) but I'm new to your process. The other specific
>>>>>>> thing is that I would have appreciate an "I don't know" option for the
>>>>>>> question about performance of NetBeans 10 vs 11.
>>>>>>> Thanks for reading all this! I hope it's helpful! Again, I really
>>>>>>> appreciate that Java EE support has been restored and that I'm no longer
>>>>>>> feeling held back on old versions of Oracle NetBeans. Thank you!
>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Philip Durbin
>>>>>>> Software Developer for
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