Opened your project without a problem after doing the above. It looks
pretty cool in NetBeans. :-)


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:58 PM Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Most likely the missing keymaps are also related to you simply not having
> the Java and Java EE supported enabled -- do that in the New Project dialog.
> I do think we need to look at your use case, i.e., you're someone who
> isn't using the New Project dialog at all, and that makes perfect sense in
> your case, however it does mean that you're not being given the opportunity
> (other than the obscure message about JavaFX) to enable the features you
> need.
> Gj
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:54 PM Geertjan Wielenga <
>> wrote:
>> And, please, in all these things, do not go to the Plugin Manager, do not
>> either activate or enable anything there.
>> Thanks,
>> Gj
>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:53 PM Geertjan Wielenga <
>>> wrote:
>>> So, it sounds like you're simply opening NetBeans and then opening your
>>> project.
>>> Instead of that, would be better if you'd first enable Java and Java EE,
>>> in the New Project dialog, create a Java project and then a Java EE project
>>> and everything will be enabled and you shouldn't encounter this problem.
>>> Can you first try the above -- with a fresh userdir, i.e., from scratch,
>>> with nothing enabled or otherwise -- and then respond after that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gj
>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 1:35 PM Philip Durbin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sure, it's easy to reproduce both the javafx error and the "dataverse
>>>> (broken)" experience, unfortunately. I just reproduced it on a second and
>>>> third computer here at home. That makes two Macs and one Ubuntu computer.
>>>> Here are the steps:
>>>> 1. Unzip and launch Netbeans.
>>>> 2. git clone (I'm on ac6a1fd)
>>>> 3. Open dataverse as a project
>>>> 4. Observe that Netbeans says "dataverse (broken)"
>>>> 5. Right click "dataverse (broken)" and click "Resolve Problems..."
>>>> 6. Observe the error "Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some
>>>> module(s) are missing: org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)"
>>>> I'm attaching screenshots from the second Mac and the Ubuntu computer
>>>> and I'm putting details about their versions of Java below.
>>>> I am *not* saying I want to install the "Java Web and Java EE" support.
>>>> Please re-read my original message. There is a difference between
>>>> installation and activation. I'm saying that as an experienced Netbeans
>>>> users, I'm aware that Netbeans has plugins and so I know to start poking
>>>> around in this area. Some of our summer interns are late high school or
>>>> early college students and have never touched Netbeans before. It is for
>>>> this reason that in that pull request for our dev guide (now merged) that I
>>>> explain to go into "Plugins" and to observe that "Java Web and EE" is
>>>> already installed but must be activated. On my second Mac no plugins are
>>>> activated. When I check the box next to "Java Web and EE" the "Activate"
>>>> button becomes available. I haven't clicked "Activate" yet but I'll include
>>>> a screenshot. I'm trying to say that seeing "dataverse (broken)" for a Java
>>>> EE project is a poor user experience (I don't love the word "broken" in
>>>> this context) and that it's non-obvious to new Netbeans users that one must
>>>> activate plugins to make the project non-broken. I compensated for this in
>>>> our dev guide, explaining how to make our project non-broken from the
>>>> Netbeans perspective.
>>>> Emma, thanks for your note about Java 8 vs. 11. Below I'm listing the
>>>> Java versions I'm running on the three computers I've tried.
>>>> I'm glad to hear that docs are coming. Docs are extremely important.
>>>> One more bit of feedback is that yesterday from my Mac at work (Mac 1,
>>>> below), a number of Keymap shortcuts were missing. The entire
>>>> "CommonTestRunner" category was absent, for example. Quitting Netbeans and
>>>> restarting it fixed this. Very strange. I did not observe this bug on
>>>> either computer at home. Very strange. I reported this yesterday in
>>>> #netbeans on freenode, which I understand is piped into your Slack. You can
>>>> read what I wrote at
>>>> I hope the feedback I'm giving is appreciated. I've spent a lot of time
>>>> on this. To be clear, I voted "ship it!" for Netbeans 11 because I can work
>>>> around these issue and guide contributors to our Java EE project to work
>>>> around them as well. Again, I'm thrilled that I'm not stuck on Netbeans 8.2
>>>> anymore. THANK YOU!
>>>> Phil
>>>> Mac 1 (work)
>>>> OS X 10.14.3
>>>> AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.0_192-b12
>>>> (I can't run `java -version` from home)
>>>> Mac 2 (home)
>>>> OS X 10.14.3
>>>> openjdk version "11" 2018-09-25
>>>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11+28)
>>>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11+28, mixed mode)
>>>> Linux 1 (home)
>>>> Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
>>>> openjdk version "1.8.0_191"
>>>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
>>>> 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.18.04.1-b12)
>>>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 4:07 AM Geertjan Wielenga <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Can you provide step by step instructions from scratch so that we can
>>>>> reproduce seeing this error:
>>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are missing:
>>>>> org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Gj
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 7:00 AM Geertjan Wielenga <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I don’t understand why you want to install the ‘Java Web and Java EE’
>>>>>> support in Apache NetBeans 11. Please don’t do that. That support is
>>>>>> automatically built into Apache NetBeans 11 for the first time.
>>>>>> Yes, no docs yet specific to this release. Once they’re there would
>>>>>> indeed be great for you to provide feedback on them.
>>>>>> Gj
>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 21:50, Emma Atkinson <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>> I think the error dialog saying
>>>>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are missing:
>>>>>>> org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>>>>> might be caused by running on JDK8.
>>>>>>> When I used the option  *--jdkhome <path>* to specify jdk-11 (*please
>>>>>>> check the release notes for the right one*) the error did not
>>>>>>> appear.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Emma
>>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 15:19, Philip Durbin <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi! I just filled out the survey (late, please give us more notice
>>>>>>>> next time) and I have a little feedback that I'd like to share here 
>>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>>> couple reasons:
>>>>>>>> - From my perspective, the survey goes into a black hole. If there
>>>>>>>> is any transparency about what responses have been recorded so far, I 
>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>> know where to find them. If they're available, I'm interested in them.
>>>>>>>> - The survey didn't allow me to enter any comments. It's all
>>>>>>>> multiple choice. I have more I would have said in the survey. But maybe
>>>>>>>> that's what mailing lists are for. :)
>>>>>>>> So here we go.
>>>>>>>> I've been feeling "stuck" on Oracle NetBeans 8.2 for a long time
>>>>>>>> because of the lack of Java EE support in Apache NetBeans. The guy at 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> desk to me got our Java EE project (Dataverse) working in NetBeans 9 
>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>> didn't have such a good time with NetBeans 10.
>>>>>>>> I'm thrilled to say that this morning I got NetBeans 11 working
>>>>>>>> with our Java EE project. I'm no longer stuck on 8.2. THANK YOU!
>>>>>>>> However, not all is well. Being open source, we try to onboard as
>>>>>>>> many new contributors as possible to our project and if you follow our 
>>>>>>>> dev
>>>>>>>> guide as it appears now (4.11 for my reference), your first experience 
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> NetBeans 11 and our project is that it says "(broken)" next to the 
>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>> name in the Projects tab. (Screenshot attached.) If you right-click the
>>>>>>>> project and click "Resolve Problems", this is the error you see:
>>>>>>>> Feature FeatureInfo[java] is incomplete: some module(s) are
>>>>>>>> missing: org\.netbeans\.libs\.javafx\.(linux|win|macosx)
>>>>>>>> We don't use JavaFX in our project so it's a very strange error.
>>>>>>>> Next I clicked "Help" and then "Online Docs and Support". These
>>>>>>>> show docs for NetBeans 10 with no mention that I could find of what 
>>>>>>>> Java EE
>>>>>>>> developers are suppose to do. If there are new docs for NetBeans 11 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> you'd like us to look at before you release, please let us know.
>>>>>>>> From previous attempts to get our project running on anything newer
>>>>>>>> than NetBeans 8.2 I knew that I should check out which plugins are
>>>>>>>> installed and enabled. I don't expect our contributors to know this so 
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> just made a pull request to improve our dev guide to explain how to go 
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> "broken" to a Java EE project.
>>>>>>>> After activating "Java Web and EE", there is no green checkmark in
>>>>>>>> the Active column. Some new menu items appear but "clean and build" 
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> isn't available. I restarted NetBeans and explain this step in my pull
>>>>>>>> request:
>>>>>>>> In case it helps, I'm on Mac OS X 10.14.3.
>>>>>>>> In my pull request I didn't document how to launch NetBeans but
>>>>>>>> maybe I should since a lot of our contributors are new developers,
>>>>>>>> sometimes college students, who may not be very familiar with the 
>>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>>> line. I doubt anyone here needs this (and you probably have better 
>>>>>>>> ways)
>>>>>>>> but I'll include my little script below since it's on my mind:
>>>>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>>>>> VERSION='11.0-vc4'
>>>>>>>> BIN="$HOME/java/netbeans/$VERSION/netbeans/bin/netbeans"
>>>>>>>> echo "Launching Netbeans from $BIN"
>>>>>>>> $BIN &
>>>>>>>> I guess the other thing I'll mention is that my pull request also
>>>>>>>> includes the workaround to get the Netbeans Connector Chrome Extension
>>>>>>>> working.
>>>>>>>> Finally, I've already given a little feedback on the survey itself,
>>>>>>>> about how I was confused that you don't let your participants type 
>>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>>> (multiple choice only) but I'm new to your process. The other specific
>>>>>>>> thing is that I would have appreciate an "I don't know" option for the
>>>>>>>> question about performance of NetBeans 10 vs 11.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for reading all this! I hope it's helpful! Again, I really
>>>>>>>> appreciate that Java EE support has been restored and that I'm no 
>>>>>>>> longer
>>>>>>>> feeling held back on old versions of Oracle NetBeans. Thank you!
>>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Philip Durbin
>>>>>>>> Software Developer for
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