When will a new version of the NetBeans RCP be available that supports Java

The NetBeans 11 IDE still has for the latest version RELEASE82 for NetBeans

When running my NetBeans application, which is based on RELEASE82, with Java
11, I get Illegal reflective access warnings:


WARNING: Illegal reflective access by
t/saloonsadmin/platform/lib/org-openide-util.jar) to method


I added in the startup configuration of nbm-maven-plugin to log the Illegal
access warnings:














There are other issues as well, with the com.lynden:GMapsFX:2.12.0
dependency, with Java 11, but that is a separate issue.


Thank you for any information you can provide about NetBeans RCP support of
Java 11.


JD Smith

Smith Optimal Solutions, LLC


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