I don't think there could be a generic migration guide that covers
everything, but it would be best to start by looking at what's new in terms
of APIs in each release since 8.2:


For help with the specific problems you're encountering, you're going to
need to provide specific error messages, specific descriptions, etc.


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:20 PM Rokicki, Konrad <rokic...@janelia.hhmi.org>

> Hi everyone,
> I have a NetBeans Platform application using RELEASE82 currently. In order
> to upgrade to Apache NetBeans, I tried simply changing the release version
> in my pom file to RELEASE110. It compiled without issue, and when running
> it claims it’s using version “incubator-netbeans-release-404-on-20190319”.
> But it only shows the menu bar with “About” and “Preferences”, and the main
> window never appears. The log shows a few errors along the lines of
> “java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code” and
> “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Will not load classes from default
> package”.
> Is there any migration guide for this upgrade, or notes from anyone who
> has tried it? I’ve searched this list and the new wiki, but haven’t found
> anything yet. If nothing else, I’d like to know what I should generally
> expect. Should this be a seamless upgrade, or do I need to look into
> upgrading some Maven plugins, or are there code changes required in my
> modules? Any hints would be appreciated.
> When I converted from Ant to Maven earlier this year, there were several
> guides that were invaluable, and I hope that they get preserved with the
> move to Apache:
> http://wiki.netbeans.org/DevFaqMavenHowToMigrateFromANT
> http://wiki.netbeans.org/Maven_NBM_comments
> Best regards,
> Konrad

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