Using NetBeans 11.1 on Windows.

I have a strange behaviour with displaying Javadoc help for methods from the 

The code completion (Ctrl-Space) displays the little Javadoc popup and so does 
the JavaDoc window (Window -> IDE Tools -> JavaDoc Documentation) when I open 

But Alt-F1 ("Show Javadoc") for that exact same method (where the Javadoc popup 
is displayed) only gives an "Cannot perform Show Javadoc here" message in the 
status line.

Shift-F1 ("Search Javadoc") also finds the relevant entry, and doubleclicking 
on it opens the default browser with the JDK documentation.

This is with a Maven project using OpenJDK 11 with self generated JavaDocs.

It seems that "Alt-F1" (or choosing "Show Javadoc" from the context menu in the 
editor) uses a different way to find the Javadoc than all the other methods.

Is it possible that my self-generated Javadoc is missing something that "Show 
Javadoc" needs, but the other methods don't?

This is how I generate the Javadoc index from the source of OpenJDK:

  javadoc -quiet -d docs -Xdoclint:none --expand-requires all 
--module-source-path src --module

Do I need to specify a different "starting module"? Or is there a better way to 
generate the Javadoc for OpenJDK?

The usual panacea "start with a clean userdir" did not change this.


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