hey Chris - same here, nbscala has been on my guilty pleasures list for a
while. I'm not sure how much life there is left in it, but it's still fun
to get back into it. I did pull some of your changes (from the nb11 branch)
into my fork and removed a bunch of the implementation dependencies that
were a big PITA when installing into new versions of netbeans. I also
migrated the nbsbt to work with newer versions of sbt. Both now work but I
still need to do some cleanup. Having the build not fail because of these
missing tokens is one of the things that I def want to clean up as well.

Cheers - Alex K

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 7:05 AM Luff,Chris <chris.l...@cerner.com.invalid>

> Hey all, this is a plugin I have put time into in the past - the whole
> thing needs to be modularised to take advantage of later JDK and Scala
> versions. I have started but time to work on it is limited. Additionally,
> some of the sub-projects are a little weirdly laid down so they probably
> need sorting to. You may be stuck with JDK 8 for now, which is by no means
> a bad thing!
> On 23 Aug 2019, at 12:14, Peter Hull <peterhul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 4:41 AM Alex Kotchnev <akoch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   the code needs a few classes from the compiler tree API (e.g.
> com.sun.source.util - TreePath, Trees, etc). I looked around but couldn't
> find what dependency to add to the project instead. It seems that those
> classes are still available in newer SDKs, but the compilation fails in
> them.
> They have been put into the jdk.compiler module[1] so I think this
> means you'll have to 'modularise' your plugin, unless there's a legacy
> way to do it (personally I have not been able to figure out modules
> yet...)
> Pete
> [1]:
> https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.oracle.com%2Fen%2Fjava%2Fjavase%2F11%2Fdocs%2Fapi%2Fjdk.compiler%2Fcom%2Fsun%2Fsource%2Futil%2Fpackage-summary.html&amp;data=02%7C01%7CChris.Luff%40cerner.com%7C04e7b1841a4241bda92708d727bb1e8f%7Cfbc493a80d244454a815f4ca58e8c09d%7C0%7C1%7C637021556935563115&amp;sdata=5bPY6IKljWF%2FEB7O%2FZKgcICwQ9YZ30Hs6mskP1l9Evg%3D&amp;reserved=0
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