Thanks, Lars. I passed the feedback on to the team . . . 1) that it is not 
Netbeans and 2) that they need to make such git decisions. 😊

-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Bruun-Hansen <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2019 1:51 AM
To: Lister Jonathan <>
Cc: Tommy Peterson <>;
Subject: Re: Does Netbeans cause changes so that Git/Source tree thinks the 
file has been modified?

Hi Tommy,

I work mostly on Windows too. As others have said, Netbeans editor doesn't 
change the line endings. On Windows, if you create a file from scratch, then 
Netbeans will use the platform's line-endings, but if you edit an existing file 
the line endings style will be preserved.
Side note: There are other tools which do screw this up, but nothing to do with 
Netbeans. For example, lately I noticed that the maven-release-plugin would 
change the line endings when it rewrites the pom file. Arghh!

Anyway, I suggest that your project *settle* on a convention for line endings 
(either Windows style or Unix style) and then let Git
*enforce* that via the .gitattributes file in the project itself. This way, 
there is simply no way that any of you in the project can commit a file where 
line endings have been changed inadvertently. Look at Netbeans project itself 
for an example of this:

With this trick it doesn't matter if a user is on Windows, Linux or on Mac and 
it doesn't matter what each user's global Git settings look like. All the talk 
about what each user's autocrlf setting, safecrlf setting, etc, is, becomes 
redundant. The downside of this trick is that you have to define each text file 
type explicitly but in most projects that is not hard. (they are .java, .xml, 
.css and so on).

I would of course suggest to use the Unix style for any project.

Hint: When in doubt, I bring up the file in Notepad++. It will always show the 
current style of the file and also allows to change it with a single click. See 
screenshot for example. I wish Netbeans editor had similar feature.


(Btw: I notice a slight spelling error in the Netbeans project's .gitattributes 
file,  test --> text, which has gone unnoticed for years. :-). I'll need to do 
a PR on that while I remember)

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 11:26 AM Lister Jonathan <> 
> Actually I noticed that your git setting of
> autocrlf=true
> Is different to mine and this might be the main culprit.
> Maybe try the git settings that I shared and see if that helps?
> From: Tommy Peterson <>
> Sent: Monday, 02 September, 2019 20:43
> To: Lister Jonathan <>; 
> Subject: RE: Does Netbeans cause changes so that Git/Source tree thinks the 
> file has been modified?
> Thanks Jonathan. I was thinking about just using command line but maybe using 
> Netbeans to connect to git would work too.
> From: Lister Jonathan <>
> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2019 11:21 AM
> To: Tommy Peterson <>; 
> Subject: RE: Does Netbeans cause changes so that Git/Source tree thinks the 
> file has been modified?
> Hi Tommy,
> I also work with git in a team where other members use different operating 
> systems and IDEs and I am the lone NetBeans user running on Windows 10.
> I have not experienced the problems that you mention with either NetBeans 8 
> or 11 (I currently use NB 11.1 all the time).
> One difference is that I (mostly) use Netbeans to checkout (clone) projects, 
> commit changes and push to the remote repo. I do occasionally use the git 
> command line tool (via git bash) for operations like rebase, forced push etc, 
> but still haven’t had the issues that you mention.
> We use linux line endings, and Netbeans doesn’t change those to DOS line 
> endings when checking out / commiting.
> Maybe try some experiments where you don’t use SourceTree but instead just 
> use Netbeans?
> My .gitconfig settings:
> [core]
>         longpaths = true
>         editor = wordpad
>         autocrlf = false
>         safecrlf = true
>         eol = lf
> Hope this helps ;-)
> From: Tommy Peterson <>
> Sent: Monday, 02 September, 2019 14:59
> To:
> Subject: Does Netbeans cause changes so that Git/Source tree thinks the file 
> has been modified?
> I have used Netbeans for years. But just recently within the last month I 
> started using Netbeans 11. I started a new project where some developers use 
> MACs, some Windows, and I think one uses Linux. We all use different editors. 
> I am the only Netbeans user. We have a github repo that we all work together 
> on. The windows users such as myself use Sourcetree for Git/repo file 
> management. The reason I am contacting this list forum is because I am being 
> told that Netbeans 11 is causing a problem for myself (and the team). After 
> researching the issue, I personally think it is the global git repo settings. 
> But the problem has happened several times to me since starting the project 
> on 08/01. (And at least one other developer said it used to happen to him 
> until he switched from one non-Netbeans editor to another. I am not quite 
> clear if it has happened again lately to him or not.) When I go to commit and 
> push my changes through Sourcetree I see a list of files that other 
> developers have edited/committed/pushed and I pulled in my staging area as if 
> I had changed them which I had not. The changes are the exact same changes as 
> the original editor/developer made. So there is nothing new—no new apparent 
> changes—not even a slip of the keyboard on my part and an additional blank 
> line or whatever. I don’t even recall opening said files. So after 
> researching this online I see that others have had similar issues. While 
> Netbeans was never mentioned as the culprit in these online posts, I wanted 
> to ask here. Is there a setting or a change with Netbeans 11 that would cause 
> files that get committed by my team mates and pulled to my local git 
> clone/working base by me to be seen by git/source tree as having been changed 
> by me? For example, does Netbeans 11 change Mac line endings to Windows 
> automatically when I pull down a file that a Mac team mate user committed? 
> (Therefor, Git would think I made an edit.) If not, what is your advice? What 
> would you suggest I say to the members of my team who are suggesting that I 
> need to either make a change to the way Netbeans works to stop this or use a 
> new editor? I prefer Netbeans. So I don’t want to change editors. The 
> project, if it matters, is a PHP, Slim framework project with some 
> Javascript/JQuery files. I have found this Stackoverflow and Git/Atlassian 
> help articles that I think speak to my personal opinion on what is causing 
> this: 
>  and 
>  Locally, I have autocrlf=true by the way. I would appreciate any help you 
> can offer.

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