I would compare the contents of your jar files - the one that works vs. the
one that now doesn't work.  i.e. jar tf workginJarFile.jar > l1; jar tf
nonWorkingJarFile.jar > l2; diff l1 l2.  This might help you see if, for
whatever reason, the images didn't make it into your current jar file.

Good luck.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 9:59 AM Judi Rastall <j...@rastall.com> wrote:

> I am working on an application that needs to load various images and there
> seem to be a million different ways to do this in the examples I have found
> online. The method I have found to work most reliably until recently is
> this:
> LogoLabel.setIcon(new
> javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("Images/WF5_200.gif")));
> This is part of the setting up of a JLabel within a JPanel and it runs
> perfectly well within NetBeans. I thought I was doing quite well and have
> managed to call other functions from JButtons in the main app.
> At various times I have built (compiled) the project to a jar file and
> have tested it to see that it runs OK under the runtime engine. So far so
> good. However, in recent weeks the jar file has stopped running. It builds
> with no error messages but if I run it from my desktop shortcut the cursor
> shows "waiting" for a couple of seconds and then reverts to normal and
> nothing else happens. If I run it from the command line within the \dist\
> directory I can see an "Unknown Source" error message followed by a pointer
> to the line of code above that loads the gif file. It appears to me that
> the compile/build function cannot interpret the file location. I have tried
> placing a copy of the image in the same directory as the source java file
> (and removing the images\ path) but still no joy.
> Now here's the strange thing. Until the end of August it would build and
> run OK. I was able to retrieve the previous jar file from my backup and it
> still runs perfectly well.
> I cannot understand what has changed and would be grateful for any
> suggestions as to where I might look to solve this very frustrating problem.
> With thanks,
> Judi R


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