Further testing...

As it was easy enough, I modified the shell script in "bin" and took out the 
extra "../" from the line discussed below, and removed the -J-Xdock:icon tag 
from the default_options property in myapp.conf.  The dock icon behaves as 
expected.  So, I guess the question is whether the shell script line is wrong, 
or whether the NetBeans code that builds the Mac Installer is storing the icon 
in the wrong place. A Mac OS expert will have to answer that.

Getting the dock icon set properly also has an interesting effect on the Aqua 
LAF (NetBeans default for Mac OS).  In the DialogDisplayer/NotifyDescriptor 
dialog boxes, the branding icon is shown, where in the other LAFs, the 
question, info, etc. icons are shown.  Previous to getting the dock icon set 
properly, the generic java icon was shown in those dialog boxes for the Aqua 

Another question would be why the Aqua LAF uses the branding icon in the 
DialogDisplayer/NotfifyDescriptor dialog boxes instead of the question, info 
etc. icons that are used in the other LAFs.  Is this something prescribed by 
Mac OS?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Huber <jhu...@stanref.com> 
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 11:41 AM
To: users@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

From: Neil C Smith <neilcsm...@apache.org>
> Reminds me that those dock icon and name arguments are set in the launcher 
> already
> https://github.com/apache/netbeans/blob/master/harness/apisupport.harness/release/launchers/app.sh#L120
 >  Shows where it, by default, is looking for the icon.  Be good if the dock 
 > name could be set separately to ${APPNAME} there though.

The referenced shell script line is below:


In looking at the launcher shell script, it seems that $progdir is supposed to 
be the bin folder, where the launcher shell script is.  If that is the case, it 
does not seem that the above command from the shell script will work with the 
way the NetBeans Mac installer is making the program distribution.  
$APPNAME.icns is only one level above $progdir.  If you want to go two levels 
above $progdir, you would need to use icon.icns instead of $APPNAME.icns.  
icons.icns is just a symbolic link to $APPNAME.icns.

That is probably why the dock icon changes to a generic java icon when the 
program starts if the -J-Xdock:icon option is not used provide the explicit 
location of the icon, because the launcher can't find the dock icon specified 

I have included a screen shot of the file layout produced by the NetBeans Mac 
installer.  Ignore the PNG files...I copied those in there 
manually...everything else is as the NetBeans Mac installer created it.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

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