If you do not mind looking at Java code, there are some sample property
settings in the integration tests that may help you.  For example,


The error suggests that you do not have the correct key field name(s).  If
you can share some details about your DynamoDB table key schema and how you
configured the processor, it would be helpful to reproduce the specific
issue you are running into.



On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 3:44 PM sebastien.cog...@privitar.com <
sebastien.cog...@privitar.com> wrote:

> All,
> I try to collect data from Dynamo using processor GetDynamoDB in Nifi and
> get any results.
> I'm still get error message like "The provided key element does not match
> the schema".
> Does anyone will be able to share a basic sample and how he define
> properties in this processor?
> Thks in advance

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