Wendell Turner wrote:
> I have several GeoTIFF images and each shows up just fine
> (by itself, using gdal2tile to break them up).
> How do I use OpenLayers to show a patchwork of maps?  That
> is, the left edge of one is the right edge of the other; the
> bottom of one is the top of yet another, etc.  In fact, I
> have lots of these that form a mosaic of a given area.
> Should I use gdalxxx to put them together to form one (very
> large) map and then use gdal2tile to break it up,
If you are using the gdal library a handy method I have found to create such
a very large mosaic is using gdals vrt format... then use it as a source for
the gdal2tiles process. A vrt is an xml that describes the combination
multiple source files which are then read from as though one file by other
gdal processes

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