On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:03:48PM -0800, GordonHo wrote:
> hi,
> im using the cluster strategy to cluster pre clustered backend data
> furthermore.
> when using the map navigation controls, sometimes 'ghost features' appear.
> those features have the style of some other feature, but dont behave like
> real features. they stay in the viewport anytime the map is resized. also
> interesting is, that each time the map gets zoomed, all the features get
> updated from the backend (bbox.update({force: true});)
> had anyone similiar behavior or a clue how to nail this down? i started
> debugging the page, but couldnt find those clusters in the feature list of
> the layer.

Sounds like http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1806

Christopher Schmidt
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