Hi Guys!


I am starting on OpenLayers API and I have two questions… 


I am  studing the controls and I have notice that, there’s no API methods or
API properties in Control type. That means the open layers developers can
change it, without any advise. 

The way I am doing my controls is this:


MyControl = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {



      initialize: function(){




      //called when the user adds the control to the map. if the control
wants to display information

      draw: function(){


            var div = document.createElement("div");

            div.style.width = "100px";

            div.style.height = "100px";

            div.style.background = "black";



            return this.div;



      //called when the user removes the control from the map

      destroy: function(){








Is this the best way to implement custom controls? Will OpenLayers
developers change the not API methods, initialize, draw, destroy or the div
property defined at Control Class?

I need  to know because I want to integrate future releases.



The second question is: Why does Control.destroy method exist? This is the
description in the Control Class destroy method: 


Method: destroy

     * The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control

     * is dereferenced.  Typically this is where event listeners are removed

     * to prevent memory leaks.


But it Is never called. The control is dereferenced at Map.removeControl
method, and this method does not call control.destroy method…



André Matos

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