
I've been experimenting a lot with openlayers and I am able to produce 
markers and loading KML file with OpenLayers.Layer.GML() on map.

But now I am stuck with a problem, that I cannot figure out how to 
handle that loaded data on map.

1. I would like to have small application which loads KML file, displays 
it on map and offers controls on web page to cycle entries on that KML 
map. (I can select KML point and have a pop up from that, but it's not 
what I need).

2. Question is; how do I fire event to trigger centering and selecting 
item on loaded KML layer ?

(So far I have found out that I have 510 points in my KML file with 
this: kml_layer.events.register('loadend', this, function() { 
alert("Points:"+kml_layer.features.length); }); )

Any ideas?

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