On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 01:06:58AM +0000, Dave Potts wrote:
> >"As of OpenLayers 2.7, there is no support for selecting features from
> >more than a single vector layer at a time. The layer which is currently
> >being used for selection is the last one on which the .activate() method
> >of the attached select feature control was called." --
> >http://docs.openlayers.org/library/overlays

> I take back what I said about the documentation!
> I only found the javadoc style docuemntation that tells you about the 
> parmeters, I did'nt find this rather useful page.
> Is there any chance of link the two documentation sets?

The primary page for documentation on OpenLayers is currently:


This is linked from the homepage of the OpenLayers website.

This page lists several different sources of documentation -- the first
link on the page content is to the docs.openlayers.org site.

The Sphinx-based docs (docs.openlayers.org) are new, and are slowly
growing. As they grow, they include additional cross links to the API
documentation and examples, as demonstrated by:


At some point, I expect that the Sphinx-based docs will be complete
enough to act as a primary resource for documentation. At this point,
I don't think we're there yet, and there is still a need for a large
amount of cross referencing. Thankfully, both the NaturalDocs and Sphinx
docs have a good search, and the examples also have usable search. 

Patches to either the natural docs or Sphinx docs are welcome. Anyone
interested in helping should feel free to express interest in
contributing by uploading patches to the wiki. Frequent contributors can
likely be granted access to commit to the documentation directly (with
the approval of the PSC). I would gladly accept additional work on the
documentation: currently, I am the only OpenLayers contributor who has
committed directly to this tree, though several additions have been made
in conjunction with other non-core contributors in the wiki. 

Anyone wishing to help improve the OpenLayers documentation, who does
not have the skills or time neccesary, but may have money to dedicate to
the effort, can consider the OpenLayers Sponsorship Program:


Best Regards,
Christopher Schmidt
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