Yes - I have just realized this. Sorry.

It appears that the gml file is being drawn, but instead of at the  
location it should (south central Pennsylvania in the US) it is  
showing in Central Africa.

I created the gml file as an export of a GRASS vector file that I have  
been using.  I suspect that the problem may be that the GRASS file was  
projected in a PA State Plane instead of Lon-Lat. I suspect that this  
might have created a GML with bad coordinates. Or perhaps no bounding  

I will re-export the file in Lon-Lat and see if that doesn't fix the  
problem.  Of if you have seen this before, is there something else for  
which I should be looking?

On Mar 19, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 09:00:56AM -0400, J. Brian Adams wrote:
>> I am completely new to openlayers (Started Monday!).  I have been
>> working through some examples but with my own data.  I have a map  
>> with
>> a base layer from openstreetmaps and with a gml layer that I created
>> with
>>                      var munis = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Municipalities",
>> "Municipals2006.gml");
>>                      map.addLayer(munis);
>> It shows up as Municipalities in the menu on the right, but nothing
>> shows on the map.  The gml file is on the same machine, a mac, and in
>> the same directory as the html file.  I had read that this might be a
>> proxy problem, but at that I am lost.
>> If this is a proxy issue, how do I work around it?
> This is not a proxy problem.
> Do you have Firebug installed? is an xmlhttprequest being made?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta

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