The National Weather Service (NWS) has recently released a Beta version of
its new watch, warning, and radar viewer (http://radar.srh.noaa.gov). It
utilizes the OpenLayers API and has been met with acclaim from many of our
However, one common complaint, is how "heavy" our map is. This is
understandable given the amount of data we pile on the API at initialization
(5 radar layers, 1 warning layer, and a Google basemap). Through playing
with the API's from other sites, it's come to my attention one thing that
might be contributing to much of that heaviness: as soon as the user begins
to pan, all of our layers begin to start loading - even before the user has
finished panning. Other sites that have managed come up with a much more
smooth scrolling have gone with the tact of only attempting to load tiles
for the new viewport AFTER the user has completed scrolling and has released
the left mouse button (Example:
m=0&wxsn=0&svr=0&cams=0&sat=0&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0&fire=0&tor=0 - using Google
Maps API, however).
Would you be able to offer any advice as to how we could accomplish a
similar setup? That is, only looking to load more info AFTER the user has
finished scrolling on the map.
Brian Walawender
Technique Development Meteorologist
Scientific Services Division - Central Region Headquarters
816-268-3114 - Office
816-805-6497 - Cell
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