On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Brian Walawender
<brian.walawen...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> Hello,
> The National Weather Service (NWS) has recently released a Beta version of
> its new watch, warning, and radar viewer (http://radar.srh.noaa.gov). It
> utilizes the OpenLayers API and has been met with acclaim from many of our
> customers.
> However, one common complaint, is how “heavy” our map is. This is
> understandable given the amount of data we pile on the API at initialization
> (5 radar layers, 1 warning layer, and a Google basemap). Through playing
> with the API’s from other sites, it’s come to my attention one thing that
> might be contributing to much of that heaviness: as soon as the user begins
> to pan, all of our layers begin to start loading – even before the user has
> finished panning. Other sites that have managed come up with a much more
> smooth scrolling have gone with the tact of only attempting to load tiles
> for the new viewport AFTER the user has completed scrolling and has released
> the left mouse button (Example:
> http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=41.55956&lon=-90.55358&zoom=8&type=hyb&rad=1&rad.num=6&rad.spd=25&rad.opa=100&rad.stm=0&wxsn=0&svr=0&cams=0&sat=0&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0&fire=0&tor=0
> – using Google Maps API, however).
> Would you be able to offer any advice as to how we could accomplish a
> similar setup? That is, only looking to load more info AFTER the user has
> finished scrolling on the map.
> Thanks.
> bw

Hi Brian:

Very nice work on your application!! I personally didn't notice any
lag during panning that was noticeable to the point of being annoying.

The only thing I noticed is that after some zooming and panning, the
google layer was missaligned with respect to the radar  and county

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