On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 09:00:35PM +0800, Kwong Hu Kiu wrote:
> How am I crossposting ? 

Your email was sent to both the users and dev lists. 


> I thought this 'might' be a bug. That's why i sent it to the dev list.
> Is this wrong ?

The Dev list is, as described at the mailing list page, "Ideal if you're
modifying OpenLayers classes, creating subclasses, or otherwise getting
into the guts of OpenLayers." At this point, I see no evidence that you
are 'getting into the guts of OpenLayers'.

"I think I've found a bug" is oftentimes "I don't understand how
something works" in disguise. If you haven't found the bug by reading
the OpenLayers source code, then it is unlikely that the dev list is the
most appopriate forum.

> Anyway... 
> No, you don't understand my question.

No, you don't understand my answer. I am telling you that *what you
thought is wrong*. XMLHttpRequest -- and the OpenLayers.Request that
wraps it -- do not cause a Download dialog. The only way to do that is
to cause the browser to request the zip file -- by, for example,
including it in a new page, or possibly an iframe, though I'm not sure
that this is true.

> Once users clicked on a button called 'Download zip'. 
> The wms-server will send a respond together with a zip file. 
> I thought this will work if Openlayers.Request is behaving the same way as 
> requesting from the browser.

But it doesn't.

Christopher Schmidt
Users mailing list

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