replace Pgon with Polygon on line 12.

On 30/09/2009, at 6:47 PM, Vidal, Antoni wrote:

> Hello list,
> I have a kml file with two Placemark with a point and a polygon each  
> one, but only the last is showed over the map.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml 
> xmlns=" 
> ">
>    <Document>
>     <name>ICC - Fulls 1:25.000</name>
>                 <Folder id="layer 0">
>                                <name>Tall 1:25.000</name>
>       <Placemark>
>          <name><![CDATA[67-23]]></name>
>          <MultiGeometry>
>             <Point>
>                <coordinates>1.2292789482351385,42.12505809906476</ 
> coordinates>
>             </Point>
>             <Pgon>
>                <outerBoundaryIs>
>                   <LinearRing>
>                      <coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts="  
> ">1.31261326,42.16672373 1.14594315,42.16672487  
> 1.14594468,42.08339244 1.31261474,42.08339135  
> 1.31261326,42.16672373</coordinates>
>                   </LinearRing>
>                </outerBoundaryIs>
>             </Polygon>
>                                </MultiGeometry>
>       </Placemark>
>       <Placemark>
>          <name><![CDATA[68-19]]></name>
>          <MultiGeometry>
>             <Point>
>                <coordinates>1.3959550858972396,42.458391895861894</ 
> coordinates>
>             </Point>
>             <Polygon>
>                <outerBoundaryIs>
>                   <LinearRing>
>                      <coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts="  
> ">1.47929122,42.50006088 1.31261965,42.5000564 1.31261912,42.4167232  
> 1.47928988,42.41672697 1.47929122,42.50006088</coordinates>
>                   </LinearRing>
>                </outerBoundaryIs>
>             </Polygon>
>                                </MultiGeometry>
>       </Placemark>
>                 </Folder>
>    </Document>
> </kml>
> Any idea why the first Placemark isn’t rendered over the map?
> Thank’s.
> Antoni Vidal
> Unitat d'Aplicacions SIG-WEB
> Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya
> Parc de Montjuïc, E-08038 Barcelona
> Tel. (+34) 93 567 15 00 (ext. 3228)
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