Dear list,

I'm trying to make a map of a archeological site showing the contents of
a grave. This map is based on a couple of GML layers. One of the GML
files consist of polygons. In GML these are expressed as
curveProperties/LineString/posList. The number of point in both the
posLists is big: over 10.000 points (xy pairs) in each posList.  The
generated div is empty (<svg><g/><svg> with some attributes) and thus
the GML layer is not shown (i think). Other GML layers are ok

I have no idea why the svg is not generated and i also have no clue
where to look. 


The projection of al the layers is EPSG:28992. 

The url of the this attempt is

The url of the layer that's is not shown is

A picture of the grave with the lines and point is found here: 


In this picture the red points are show by the layer GrafPinnen, the
green lines should be represented by GrafZand...


Hope anybody can help


Hans Scholte

Digital Production Centre
University Library
University of Amsterdam
Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (20) 52 53 108



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