Good Morning!

My users seem to be having some troubles with the copy/paste functions in 
OpenOffice 4.1 Calc. We recently upgraded our systems to Windows 7 (some 
are still on XP) - it is the WIN7 users experiencing these issues. I have 
ruled out the OS as the issue. I did so, by running a clipboard viewer as 
the users were copy/pasting, and the clipboard received the correct data, 
but Calc did not. The users copy data from another application (which has 
been ruled out as well as the issue), then they paste the data in the Calc 
spreadsheet. So for example, the user copies the word "cat", its pastes 
fine in Clac, then the user copies the word "dog", and it still pastes 
"cat", even though the clipboard shows "dog" as the last and most recent 
item copied. The users have used the keyboard shortcuts for this, as well 
as right-clicking and selecting the appropriate commands. I have been over 
many forums on this issue, and have seen several people also complaining 
about this same issue. I can provide more information about our network 
environment if that helps you? Not sure what other information you require 

The issue has been on-going for about a month now - and I have yet to 
resolve this myself. Hence, why I am turning to your support now for 
further assistance. I am happy to also set up a remote session with you as 
well to one of the users experiencing this issue to demonstrate this 

Is there anything you could suggest/offer in resolution to this issue? 
Please advise. 


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