excel allows their user to highlight and copy from
what OOo calls the input line - the text bar that runs
just above the spreadsheet itself.

OOo doesn't allow one to do this.  it would be nice to
have that ability incorporated, although, i would rate
it as low priority unless it is a really quick fix.

i was thinking (don't know where the time for that
came from!) and thought it might be nice to have the
option of saving OOo files as both OOo doc types and
MSO doc types in one saving action.  perhaps the MSO
files could automatically be saved to a special MSO
folder for OOo docs saved as MSO files.

i'm thinking this may help businesses who want to
migrate but who still feel chained to the MSO file

The expected alternative is to have all OOo files
saved as MSO files (which can't help future migrations
away from the .doc standard) or that no migration

not everyone is like me - i'm using OOo whatever it
takes.  OOo needs to facilitate users who just want

maybe it doesn't make sense - i'll let others decide.

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