On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 20:08 -0800, NoOp wrote:

> On 02/25/2009 02:36 PM, Keith Bates wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 13:16 -0800, NoOp wrote:
> >> 
> >> After you've installed JMF & the MP3 plugin & find it limited (doesn't
> >> play oog's etc), I'd recommend that you go and download either the go-oo
> >> build or the OxygenOffice builds. Both use the gstreamer patches and
> >> both play sound and video out of the box (including ogg's):
> >> 
> >> http://go-oo.org/
> >>   http://go-oo.org/discover/
> >> 
> >> http://ooop.wiki.sourceforge.net/
> >> 
> >> You may already have the go-oo build with your distribution of linux.
> >> Post what distro you are using and someone can adivse. Note that go-oo
> >> and OxygenOffice are also available for Windows. Also see:
> >> 
> >> http://go-oo.org/download/
> >> for derivatives, and
> >> http://katana.oooninja.com/w/editions_of_openoffice.org
> >> [dated but useful]
> >> 
> > 
> > Thanks NoOp
> > 
> > I'll take a look at it, as it sounds a bit more useful than the JMF.
> > 
> > I wouldn't be able to install any version of OO at the school- I only go
> > there for a half-hour lesson each week and I don't think I should get
> > into messing with their system for my convenience.
> > 
> > 
> I'm not suggesting that you install on the school's computers (although
> it would be a very good idea to do so), I'm suggesting that you do this
> on your computer. That way you'll be able to reasonably work with sound
> and video in OOo from your system without the mess/limitations of Sun's
> very rudimentary JMF. Again, if you advise what linux version you are
> using, then perhaps you may already have an OOo distro version with
> gstreamer support already installed.

I have Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid) which came with OOo 2.4

I also have basic or "normal": OO 3.0.1 installed from the OO site.

I had locked the version of OO in Synaptic so it didn't overwrite the
3.0 that was installed.

Now I've tried to install the version from Ubuntu which the go-oo site
says is the right one, but it hasn't updated the gnome menu and I can't
find a symbolic link to start it manually.

Do you know what the command is? openoffice, oooffice and soofice don't

God bless you,

Keith Bates


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