At 22:09 25/03/2009 -0400, Eustace Fril wrote:
OOo3 Calc: I have set as default font (template) for OOo Lucida Console 12. In the Writer everything is OK, in the Calc however:

1. In a column with numbers (where the font size is set to 10), when you make a number bold it appears bigger. To make it appear the same you have to lower the font size. Why? Since Lucida Console is a monospace font it shouldn't become bigger, as it doesn't become bigger in the Writer.

You mean bigger sideways, don't you? Interesting. Happens for me, too (3.0.1, Win XP SP3). Don't know.

2. When I start a new Spreadsheet, the default font is set to Arial 10. How can I make it also Lucida Console 10, like in the Writer?

o  Start a new spreadsheet.
o  Set the font as you prefer it.
o  Save the spreadsheet as a template.
o  Set the new template as the default.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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