On 2009-03-26 11:08 Joe Smith wrote:
Brian Barker wrote:
At 22:09 25/03/2009 -0400, Eustace Fril wrote:
OOo3 Calc: I have set as default font (template) for OOo Lucida Console 12. In the Writer everything is OK, in the Calc however:

You mean bigger sideways, don't you? Interesting. Happens for me, too (3.0.1, Win XP SP3). Don't know.

Same here (3.0.1 on Fedora Linux).

I think it's because OOo is faking (crudely) a boldface font where there is no designed bold version.

I get the correct results using Liberation Mono +/- bold, but there are two distinct fonts in that case:
LiberationMono-Bold.ttf: Liberation Mono
LiberationMono-Regular.ttf: Liberation Mono

For Lucida Console, I have only one font file--I suspect that OOo is synthesizing the bold characters but failing to keep the character spacing the same.

I'd call this a bug for monospaced fonts, but the synthetic bold may not be useful if the spacing were kept constant (characters running together), and it hardly seems worth the effort to fix when a workaround is easy: install the matching bold face (if there is one), or use a different font that has both weights.


Yes but in the Writer the bold font looks OK. I don't see why it shouldn't in Calc. It seems to me that they only have to replace the revelant code of the Calc with that of the Writer...


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