On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:15:56 -0600, Larry Gusaas wrote:

> On 2009/07/27 3:21 PM  Barbara Duprey wrote:
>> Ian wrote:
>>> http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/userguide3/index.html
>>> Rhetorical Question:  Why are the above documents in .pdf format as
>>> opposed to the OOwriter format?
>>> It would be nice to be able to cut and paste certain sections so that
>>> I could refer to them.
>>> Ian
>>> PS:  I am not subscribed to the list but I _will_ see any replies as I
>>> monitor the list from another site.
>> Ian, you've gotten several answers to your rhetorical question, but you
>> might also be interested to know that the list sees you
>> (ia...@comcast.net) as subscribed. Your message did not come through
>> the moderator, but directly to the list. I'm curious about this, maybe
>> others are, too. Any idea how this comes about? Gmane users are
>> subscribed through a separate mechanism and can view and post via the
>> newsgroup, but I haven't heard of anything similar for comcast. In any
>> case, your PS isn't necessary, we don't see you as unsubscribed.
> He is posting through Gmane. See the header:
> X-Injected-Via-Gmane: http://gmane.org/

How are you seeing the headers?  I only find "show article information" 
-- I'm using the Pan newsreader for the gmane group.  Is this simpoy a 
function of which newsreader one picks?


Mark C. Miller

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