2009/9/5 Humberto Vargas Suárez <maste...@prodigy.net.mx>

> First  of  all,  I  need  that  all  your  bull  shetters  pages,  must  BE
> IN  SPANISH.   second  in  too many  times  I  did  an  a  simple  question
> and its  how  can  I  copie  a  column  with  a  figues  formulated  to
> another  column  in  the  sme  page?, and  your  crazy  "assitance  offfice"
> never  gave  me  any  answer  and obviously  and  a  promptly, and  clear
> instructions,  and  the  worst  thing  is  that  never  answer  me.  What  a
> bad education.
> Tell  me  if  your  system  is a  "Mickey  Mouse"  system  or  all  yor
> crew   are  a  bunch  of  ineficient  personnel,  and  if  are  you  ready
> to  answer  me  ASAP,  if  not,  I´m  going  to  send  a  lot  of  e-mails
> to  all  my  friends,  relatives,  cutomers  and  clients  and  it wil  be a
>  big  demage  to  your  image all  over the  world.
> I  will  be  waiting  an  Spanish  answer,  with  a  simple  way  to  show
> me  how  to  do  this  kind  of  this  simple  operations.
I recommend you go and get some manners....

Right ... First off - emails to this list are answered by volunteers - not
"personnel" for you to unload your diatribe on. People volunteer their time
and effort to answer questions from people that need assistance.

Second - if you could manage to think for just a second and google "spanish
openoffice" you would have seen the following page which I'm sure will
provide more assistance to you in Spanish:

Word of caution - don't adopt the same unwanted manner when you post your
question on their list.



Jonathan Swift<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/jonathan_swift.html>
- "May you live every day of your life."

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