In a message dated 2009.09.25 17:13 -0500, Barbara Duprey wrote:

Thanks for generalizing to post-list commentary [which I had excised from an already overlong question] - you have the point conceptually, and I think your answer is Writer's answer. But then:

(a) Doesn't that mean we have at least three paragraph styles for the "'paragraph' with embedded list" - *none* of which is linked to the document's "normal" paragraph spacing?

Yes, it probably does ... Since the list is ordinarily terminated by
hitting the Enter key twice to turn off indention and
bullets/numbering, that generally gives you normal spacing to the
next paragraph, which has by default 0 above, .02 below. (I realize
that this gets you back to the original problem of possibly having a
blank line at the top or bottom of the page, though!)

Precisely! - so we can't go there.

I guess the problem is that while there is no "pure" solution, this
kind of thing is always going to be very low on the developers'
priority list, because not too many people really care. LaTex may
allow this level of control, I've never pursued learning it.

Actually, so does WordPerfect, because of a different paragraph model - Among other things, it allows, even encourages, a paragraph or list to be terminated by hitting Enter twice - but I'm not trying to make this into a WP v OO thing; I'm just trying to learn OO's way of doing things.

(b) If this is not the case for which Writer has the intra-paragraph line break, what is?

I've never found a use for it myself, but I assumed it might have something to do with formatting poetry for a particular visual effect, for example. Maybe somebody who's actually used it could tell us why? :-)

I hope so.

Thanks for your perspective,

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