Joe, I had not idea that "Default tab stops" could yield so much insight into the design of OO and Writer, but Michael Adams' excellent point - based on a perfectly valid application of periodic tab stops [which, it is true, could be done as a table], puts the original question perfectly:

In a message dated 2009.10.19 11:54 -0500, Joe Smith wrote:

Had a little trouble setting default tab stops in writer today. I
wanted to set them for one paragraph only, ...

The only thing I can't find a way to do is to specify, for example
"every 1/2 inch". Perhaps someone else would enlighten us ...

The concept of "default tab stops" or "tab at every half-inch" are only supported at the application level, not per paragraph, and you will do well to avoid them in any case. ...

So then why are they supported at the program level? And, as they are supported at the program level, why not at the user's document/paragraph level? After all, tab stops - default or otherwise - are clearly a concern for the use (as Michael's example reminds us), not for the program. Having already accepted the idea of default periodic tab stops, what is gained by Writer denying their employment at the level of the user's intent - document-wide, page-wide, frame-wide or paragraph-wide?


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