2010/2/25 Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com>

> > Dotan, when I tried to check out your filing on the freedesktop site, I
> got
> > a message from Firefox to the effect that the certificate being used for
> the
> > site was invalid. Perhaps you'd like to forward this to those concerned ?
> They already know. They are of the opinion that Firefox is too strict
> and the warning to "scary", furthermore, they argue that their usage
> of the certificate is a valid usage scenario. You can add an exception
> for that site and use it just fine. It's not "bank safe" but it is not
> meant to be.
> This is another example of the same issue: different bodies blaming
> each other and the user suffering as nobody takes responsibility and
> fixes the issue. That is why it is important to comment on _all_three_
> bugs that I posted: any of them can solve the issue but none of them
> will.
> > The original KDE bug reported not being able to use «Ctrl+Shift» to input
> > Unicode glyphs ; presently Gnome uses «Ctrl+Shift+u» - but I presume that
> > this doesn't work on KDE ?...
> >
> Correct. «Ctrl+Shift+u» does not work on KDE because the KDE dev
> things that Qt should implement it upstream. Qt does not implement it
> because the Qt dev thinks that X should implement it upstream. X
> thinks that the downstreams should implement it, just as Gnome has
> (Gnome is one of the downstreams).
> --
> Dotan Cohen

A pity that open-source people seem to have such difficulty cooperating with
each other on such easily resolvable issues as this one ! To my mind,the KDE
dev should recognise that if QT and X won't implement this then he or she
should, as its users, not upstream, who are suffering....


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