I do not know if this has been addressed before here, but I am asking:

I find that the "Text Object" toolbar is not visible on opening of OOo 3.2
I "turn it on" and do the documents.  Then I close writer.

When I come back, that toolbar does not show.

How can I set the default tookbars I want/need to use on a regular basis in Writer?

"Text Object" is the main one I use for text styles, so it is a "pain" to have to go to
"View/Toolbar" every time I start up Writer.

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit on a Phenom X4 processor system.
I know that that toolbar was part of my Windows system of 3.1.x, but it seems not to want to be there by default. So I need to be able to change the default toolbar of Writer.

Any suggestions?

[setting up a new Ubuntu system as my default system instead of Windows. About time too]

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