In a message dated 2010.08.26 11:26 -0500, Barbara Duprey wrote:

... [after inserting a frame, either before or after selecting a
Frame style], Going to the Paragraph styles, we see that the text
is already styled as "Frame contents".  What does /that/ mean?

There are other styles like that, too -- but they're useful for
establishing a style for all the objects of that type that are not
explicitly given a style. And basing a new style on one of them can
make later changes easier to apply across a document.

Ah, yes: the "Special Styles" category of Paragraph styles (a category found only in Paragraph styles). I had forgotten about that category, which the Help also calls "Special Region Styles", because each is associated with a particular region type. [After your reminder, I was tempted to fork a new thread about Special Styles and linked style types, because there's something fundamental I'm trying to understand about the construction of OO styles - but decided the topic is just too big to pursue right now. ;-) ]

... More fundamental than the *process* of making a frame-based
watermark is the question of whether it *works* as a watermark:
Since it is not attached to a Page style, it is not repeated on
subsequent pages. ...

I think you could anchor the frame in a header or footer, then
position it as desired.

That's an intriguing idea, but I do not see a clean way to do it (which would of course be part of the process of making a frame-based watermark). That probably reflects my ignorance about details of using Writer. Assuming we can accept a seemingly complex and lengthy process to make a watermark, have you thought about how to do those last steps of the process?


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